Sunday, November 11, 2018

Dad Dream: In His House

Am at dad's house again, will be working through the night on the 2nd darkroom. I am doing some sanding and cleaning, tomorrow should be painting as well.

A few days back I fell asleep here on the sofa and dreamed of my father. I was beside him in the family room of the house, and looking up at him, he seemed so large, so tall. In the dream it was like I was a little child and his body and head loomed up far above mine, in a protective way. I was frightened and tearful and called out to him. I told him "I do not want the house, you live here, I just want you to live here forever!" He did not say anything he just looked down at me. That is all I remember, him looking down at him as I asked him to live in his house. It was a very strong feeling, all I wanted was for him to live in his house. Then I woke up with a start, it was dark, I was alone. It all seemed very real.

I have not dreamt of dad for a long while now, being in his home so much lately, seeing his pictures, thinking of him no doubt triggered this new dream. I feel guilty taking over the house dad (and mom) worked so hard for. What right do I have to her here?