Saturday, December 17, 2022

$4000 CAD To Help Those In Need

Years ago a photo club member and I had an argument. My view was that photography could be a powerful force for good. That it could make a positive change in the lives of the people photographed and could change the world for the better. The man I was arguing with was photographically lazy, older and rather bitter. He was pissed at life in general. He told me, "No", that photography could not do any of those things and that I was naive and foolish to think so. Even back then I thought, "What kind of photographer does not love the beauty, wonder and power of photography?" 

He motivated me, made me want to prove him wrong, I worked harder.

Today I got this email from the good folks at the UNB Art Centre/Accounting. The money will be used to "make a positive change in the lives of the people photographed". It will buy food, headlamps, boots, medicines, toys, working tools, etc.

Photography DOES HAVE the ability, the strength and the power to make the world a better place!



A direct deposit has been submitted to your bank account in the
amount of     $4,000.00. The deposit should be in your
two business days from the date of this email.

This amount consists of:

V*******   ARTWORK                            002            4,000.00
For inquiries relating to this deposit please specify the following
reference number: D********V1390832   ARTWORK                            002            4,000.00

For inquiries relating to this deposit please specify the following