Thursday, May 31, 2018

Dreamt Of Dad

Just had a short dad dream. We were traveling together and were sitting at a restaurant called the "Pink Rabbit". This restaurant was in a location of multiple restaurants on a high way corner. Every restaurant was on a cliff of overlooking the sea.

The "Pink Rabbit" was closing down, it was their last day. The management of all the corner cliff restaurants were handing out brochures on how to open and and run a business. That was always dads dream, to own a restaurant to cook in a restaurant. The course was going to take place in 3 years time. In the dream dad was in his 80s and very sick with cancer but he looked at me and told me about the conference. He never asked me to go but I knew he wanted to. I kissed him on the forehead and told him I would drive him back in 3 years so he could learn how to open his own restaurant. In the dream I admired his strength and courage, I thought "here he is in his 80s with cancer and he will not give up, he has dreams". Then I woke up.

The dream was like my dad, my father, working hard till the end. I need to show the same courage and re-devote myself to my photography, screw what the JURIES say. I will succeed! I will get my stories told! I will get a book published! I will follow my fathers example.