Saturday, June 10, 2023

2000ml Laboratory Bottles

I bought 3 - 2000ml lab bottles at $49.99 CAD each. I now have 4, possibly 5 of these size bottles. I will use them to safely hold the collodion I will be carrying inside the trailer to make my 20x24 and 35x35 Ambrotypes.

Bottles bigger than this are hard to hold with one hand. I hope I do not need to go larger.  I might have to buy more 2000ml bottles in the future. If I am taking 3- or 4-month photo trips and shooting a ton with the big cameras the collodion will disappear fast. I might need to travel with as many as 10 - 2000ml bottles and the ability to mix more on the road. 

On second thought maybe mixing more on the road will do. If I have 5 x 2000ml that's 10 liters of collodion per shooting day. That might be enough, I hope so. I will work out these issues as I am confronted by them. For now 4-5 2000ml bottles is enough.

Note* While in the trailer, traveling, the bottles are stored in foam and packing material inside tightly sealed coolers. The coolers protect the heavy glass Laboratory bottles and safely contain Vapor’s from the alcohol and small amounts of ether in the collodion mixture.