Saturday, February 8, 2020

Add AMBROTOS To The KANATA Project Name?

Thinking of adding to the KANATA cross Canada wet plate photography project name. Thinking of doing AMBROTOS KANATA. "Ambrotos" is the ancient Greek word that the word "Ambrotype" came from, it means "Immortal". Ambrotypes are what the project is all about, pictures on glass.

AMBROTOS KANATA thou more difficult to say might add to the overall meaning.
- Immortal Canada
- Pictures that last forever of Canada
- Capturing Canada forever.
- And it would also be about the Immortality of people and the land.

I also like the two language mix of Greek and Cree. Which sort of speaks to the universal connection of all human beings, a tribute to all. The name change would also identify with the fact I am making Ambrotypes.

More thought needed.