Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Shelter Dogs Receive Vaccine

Just thought I would post and update on the dog vaccines that were bought and delivered to the shelter (Piam Suk Dog's House) before I left Thailand in July. These photos are a bit older but show a few of the 100 dogs being injected.

For those that helped thank you so much. The dogs at the shelter are now protected, they received vaccines for rabies and 4 other types of dog diseases. Thanks to you!

Am hoping to help this shelter again if we can next trip. The dogs are former street dogs from Bangkok, now well taken care of. Will also try to do a series of photographs highlighting the lives of homeless stray dogs in Thailand next trip. Their barks need to be heard.
Note* These injections were done after I left Thailand.

Donated vaccines, thanks to you.

The former street dogs now have a happy life, and lots of friends!

Many of the dogs are scared of needles.

The last day I was there this dog (forget his name have it written somewhere) was very friendly to me. He would come up to me and want to be petted. As soon as he saw some of the other dogs getting needles, he left in a hurry!! Guess he has needles somewhere in his past and was frightened by them. In this photo he looks not to bad thou, more like a 'GET IT OVER WITH!" attitude.

All the vaccines have been used now. 100 dogs protected, thanks again folks.