Sunday, December 9, 2018

Trying To Make My First Digi Negs

Spent a few hours over the last week trying to setup up and make my first digi neg. I got it partially done but then hit a snag.  Am using a SC-P800 Epson printer which is a brand new model. The PDF and YouTube video that Bostick&Sullivan have online explain how to make digi negs use an older model Espson printer. I am not seeing the same boxes and layouts as in the PDF and Vid screen captures. Sent several emails to B&S but they have only been partly been able to get me through the confusion. I was able to get their curve working in my Photoshop but cannot set up the printer properly, just yet. I need to get the printer settings exactly right to allow denser inks to be put on the negative substrate material (Pictorico). Will keep on working at it, I will eventually learn how to get into the windows I need to get into. I am currently unable to access the internet at mom and dad's home so that is interfering with my ability to google and solve this problem