Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Khon Thai Workout

Over the last several weeks I have been fine tuning the camera and technique I will use for the Khon Thai project. I have chosen to use a Wista 4x5 camera and Tri-x film with a 150mm lens. The photographs will be shot with a combination of flash and available light.

Am trying to do daily portrait sessions with friends and family in Canada. I need to get a rythym with this camera, I need things to flow so I can concentrate on the subject and forget about all the techno stuff, it should flow naturally and easily. The hope is that if I continue to make daily portraits I can develop the effortless shooting style I need before I return to Thailand.

I have been thinking over and over what is I want to say with these images, thats what it comes down to in the end all the camera stuff/darkroom stuff is unimportant its the final photograph that matters. The question is "Gerry what do you want these photos to say?" figure that out and you will make photographs that are worth making.

Words that come to mind when I think about what I want to say :
