Sunday, September 20, 2009

Studying Cambodia

I continue to learn a word or two a day of Khmer. Today learned Money/Loy, Skull/Low-Lia. Also reading several books on Cambodia. Started the best book I have read so far, it was written by Dr Haing Ngor (actor who played Dith Pran in the movie The Killing Fields)and Roger Warner. The book is titled "Survival In The Killing Fields" It is stunningly good, very informative and thought provoking. I just read a early section that brought me to tears.

Haing Ngor was an incredible man, he became a doctor, survived the killing fields of Cambodia, won a oscar for best supporting actor and then went onto a second career as actor. He was also a champion for human rights and worked to help the Cambodian people.

He died back in 1996 when he was shot by a street gang member outside his home in the Chinatown area of Los Angeles. Three gang members had all ready robbed him of his Rolex which Mr Ngor gave up willingly but when he was asked for the locket he wore around his neck it was refused. The gang member then shot and killed him. The reason Haing Ngor refused to give up the locket was because it contained the lone picture he had of his dead wife, a wife he had lost during the Khmer Rouge period along with most of his family.