With the larger amounts of money raised this trip I have been trying to take larger bags of food to the dump. The problem is that more food equals more for old (52) Gerry to carry. I have also had to double bag everything (ran out of bags). Tomorrow I will have to do a second food buy either before or after the days shooting.
An average donation food bag contains:
- 2 bags of rice (heavy)
- 3 cans of fish
- 1 bag of clothes soap
- 1 instant noodle
- combs, toothbrushs, hand soaps
- 3 hats
An average donation food bag contains:
- 2 bags of rice (heavy)
- 3 cans of fish
- 1 bag of clothes soap
- 1 instant noodle
- combs, toothbrushs, hand soaps
- 3 hats