Monday, April 11, 2016

Barbie Finds A Home

Today I photographed a very cute young girl outside and inside her family home. I think I made some point and shoot photos of this same child in front of her grandfathers home my last trip. I gave her one of the Barbie dolls that was donated by the young daughter of a co-worker.

The girl was thrilled with her new toy and she immediately became my best friend playing to the camera with big eyes and a great smile, a future super model there. After watching her introduce her new mini Barbie to her original very beat up almost hairless old Barbie I watched her play with tem both. It is moments like this that make up for all the difficulties faced this trip lugging very heavy baggage about the world. As I type this I can still see her laughing and giggling with her new second hand toy.

Tonight as I lay exhausted in my room memories of the day's giving make my foot and back not so sore. Making a child happy, sand giving out food makes up for a lot of back pain.