Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Florence: A Modern Art Show

The second show of the day involved Modern Art. The show includes paintings by Jackson Pollock, Wassily Kadinsky, Francis Bacon, Willem De Kooning. I was a bit indifferent to much of this work but someof it was quite beautiful, especially the denser drip paintings by Pollock and one particular painting by Bacon. My favorite piece thou was by an artist I have never heard of before, Leonora Carrington's "They Should Behold Thine Eyes”. This was a small work made in 1959 which I found extremely haunting, I came back to it 3 times.

This exhibition was made up of art work from the Peggy Guggenheim collection. Here is a link:

Florence is a city of art, everywhere I went in the city I was bumping into creativity and beauty.