Saturday, July 22, 2023

Artist Inspiration From Facebook

Had a question from a Facebook friend recently. I had been posting lots of art book pics I had been studying and he asked me this:


I'm not familiar with this artist. Curious to learn how you use other artist work in your life? Is it inspiration or does it allow you to see the world differently?

Gerry Yaum
 I think it is a bit of both. Some artists work inspires ideas and imagery in my mind. Turners' landscapes are feeding ideas for my ambrotypes. This man Bonnard inspires through his self-portraits. The other thing I love about artists and art books is reading about their lives. Trying to understand their desire, hard work and creativity. Learning what they went through to make their art. Trying to get, what made then tick. It is fun to be in their worlds, seeing things through their eyes. The man is often dead for hundreds of years, but he lives on through his paintings, photographs, sculptures. I have always found that amazing and beautiful. A form of immortality!