Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Here is the small story in the free magazine “Neighbors of Botanic Park” came today. Thank you Donna H for sending me a copy., and for making the cover photo.

A nice story that deals with the AMBROTOS KANATA project. So, we now have  our first Ambrotype project talk scheduled for February, our first news story and we might be selling the first two Ambrotypes (still waiting on the Alberta Provincial art collection to decide).

The hope is to do those 3 things multiple times nation wide. News stories, talks and sales to collections. All sale money would have course go back into the project, to buy chemistry etc. 

At least this is a small beginning in the right direction.  We still have not had an exhibition of the Ambrotypes. Do not think the work is ready yet, maybe by the end of next year.