Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Buying Chemicals Cheaper For AMBROTOS KANATA

Gosh, trying to figure out the best way to save money on the chemicals for the AMBROTOS KANATA project.  I will need a huge amount of various chemicals to make the large plates. Everything is so expensive but there are cheaper ways to do things if you work at it.

I now have large supplies of Cadmium Bromide, Ammonium Iodide and Potassium Iodide (from India hazardous shipping included).  Also am using a form of Alcohol (from Quebec free hazardous shipping) that is much cheaper than other alcohols and 2 weeks ago I purchased a 50 lb bag of Cadmium Carbonate (used on baseball fields from a sports supply store in Edmonton) for pennies ($16.25 CAD). So far all these non regular chemical purchases seem to be working. Have had no issues with the collodion made from them. I have not tested the Calcium Carbonate yet but it should be fine. I will be using lots of it to clean the bigger plates.

I am now trying to find a source for Silver Nitrate, one of the main chemicals in the process. If I can get a cheaper source to buy Silver Nitrate,  I will save a ton as it is very expensive. Am working on that now.