To get to Inuvik Northwest Territories I would have to travel North from Dawson City Yukon on the Dempster highway which in winter uses ice bridges and in the summer months a series of ferries to cross the Mackenzie and Peel rivers.
It just occurred to me, I could potentially be travelling to places in Northern Canada where little view camera photography has been done. Pretty well everything has been photographed but I would be in areas that have been much less photographed than other parts of the world. Heck I might be the first or one of the first to ever shoot wet plate pictures in these regions. Hard to believe in the year 2016+ there are still photographically virginal parts of the world left. Imagine, breaking new photographic ground! A security guard from Edmonton packs up his camera gear and becomes the first to ever (or one of the first) to make wet plate in parts of the far Canadian North. There is a wonder and real beauty to that idea.
It is all so exciting, Richardson mountain here I come!:))))
Wikipeida Dempster Highway
The Richardson Mountains, Dempster highway |
Dempster highway #2 |
Dempster highway #3 |