Friday, May 8, 2015


Gosh I am being temped by a wonderful camera I have thought of buying for a while. The Camera is a Plaubel Makina 670 Medium Format with 80mm Lens "Mint". The camera was bought new and has had only 8 rolls of film shot through it. The hook for me is two fold, the Plaubel Makina is small and light (easy to carry in Asia) and at it's 2.8 setting it is supposed to have a GREAT bokeh (soft out of focus background). I want to use that bokeh to do up close portraits of my subjects.

What is extra tempting about this possible buy is that the camera is located in my city of Edmonton. The seller who seems like a good person has offered me an additional 5% off if I pay in Canadian dollars to him direct after the auction is over. What to do? I am trying not to buy more gear and over the last 5 years or so I have cut way way down on my camera buying. I keep on thinking of the portraits I can make with this tool, all over South East Asia. Boy is it difficult to resist bidding on this camera. Do I really need it? Would it not be better to just put the money in the bank and use it to make pictures in Asia when I return in November? The camera will probably eventually sell around the $1500 USD mark. What to do? I have just over 2 days to figure this out.

Plaubel Makina 670, current bid $1325 USD

Update* I found out today I am getting a raise here at work. Will be getting a bit more money to do my security job. Maybe I can rationalize it that way, sort of a bonus gift! I also got an OT shift next Saturday, I could use that money towards the camera also.