Saturday, February 1, 2025

Social Media Can be Cool!

So here is a social media can be cool story. 

As some of you that might read this blog occasionally might know, former LIFE Magazines W. Eugene Smith, is a photographer god to me. He has always been my main, probably my number 1 photographic inspiration. Without Smith I might have never made a social documentary photograph in my life. I consider his photograph "Tomoko in her Bath" the greatest photograph ever made. His depiction of a mothers love for her daughter is love in its most beautiful and pure form. I have spent hours looking at that photograph. Hoping someday I might make something 10% as powerful.

Smith passed in 1978 at 59, a year younger than I am now.

Blog Stories on Smith and the Tomoko photograph

Smith photographing in Mimamata/. I love the caring heart he shows here.

So now let's get to the social media part of the story. 

5 years or so back I came across Smiths son on social media. He seemed like a nice, interesting guy, that had his father's heart/empathy and compassion, and we became online friendly. The years past, and we exchanged a friendly word now and again. We have the same political and photography views, and I loved his posts about his dad, and his own life.

Recently I made a post about my possible housing in Bangkok for my coming Thai 3-month trip. Smith's son wrote back that he will be in Bangkok at the same time. We might meet for a meal. If it happens it should be a fun and enjoyable evening. 

Social media is strange that way, so much terrible stuff comes out of it but some nice things as well. Gerry a security guard from Edmonton can meet up with his idol's son from America for a dinner in Thailand. Gotta love that! Hope it happens.

Nice Rejection Letter

 Received my second rejection letter, this one was nice.

Dear Gerry,

Thank you for your interest in submitting an exhibition proposal to the gallery at ——. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you an exhibition in 2026. The selection process this year was exceptionally difficult, as there were over 90 proposals, and only 7 exhibition slots for our main gallery.  Please don’t be discouraged, or view this as a statement on the quality of your work.

—-- endeavors to provide a fair representation of artistic media & practices; from fine craft and painting, through to video and installation by both emerging and established artists. These considerations weigh heavily on the selection process. Building a balanced schedule that represents this diversity of practice was a primary consideration.  We also decided to prioritize regional artists who haven’t shown at —— before.  I wish we had the opportunity to exhibit more of the amazing artists working in Alberta.

I found the work very engaging; thoughtful, unique and well executed. I find practices like yours, with a strong conceptual foundation in tandem with interesting work very exciting. It is unfortunate we couldn’t work with you this time around but wish you the best.


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