Sunday, August 18, 2024

Language Power!!

So am walking the streets of Gimli, Manitoba and come upon a Thai shop selling clothing. I go in speak English to the pretty lady running the shop. Halfway through the talk I switch to Thai. At first she says “excuse me”? I repeat, then her eyes grow very large, her mouth drops open, she looks shocked. Then she laughs and tells a customer “He speaks Thai!”. She then tells me how smart I am to speak Thai. Then we speak Thai together, she launches into a Thai soliloquy, I get about 80% of that. We joke about “SomTum” (Papaya Salad). We are both laughing and having fun.

This story illustrates the importance of language to make friends, gain acceptance and grow trust. The fact I can speak basic Thai made me a friend new today. When I am in Thai, that kind of friendship leads to access and photographs.

I learn Filipino for the same reason. This Thai girl spoke English but speaking in Thai to her made things closer. In the Philippines most folks speak English but if I am walking Tondo slum in Manila and sit down beside a man and can launch into Tagalog (Filipino), it will help! People love it when you can speak their language. 

Note* If I speak Thai in Thailand, people always respond quickly. Whenever I speak Thai to a Thai or Laos person in Canada, there is always that shocked moment where I need to repeat myself. I have grown to expect it, quite funny!