Monday, August 5, 2024

5 People in a 7000 Peso Home

I am searching for a place in Manila to live in for 4 months while I do my photo work. While doing my search for a room between 10000 and 25000 Philippine pesos a month. I came upon a post.

The post writer said they were searching for a place for 5 people and they had a budget of 7000 pesos a month.

I keep thinking of that family and how difficult their lives must be. 5 people in a 7000 peso home ($167 CAD). I live in such a privileged world. So many have so little.

There will be many important photo stories about many good people to tell there. Will use some of the Thai donation funds to help a little. I need to work harder at learning the history, culture and Tagalog language of the Philippines.