Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Links: 8-Ply Mat Boards!! and Bill Schwab's YouTube. Channel

I had some issues finding 8-ply mat board in Edmonton so I decided to order them pre-cut from an online store in BC,

I bought 20-11x14 8-ply boards with 71/2 by 91/2 windows and  6-11x14 8-ply boards with a 7x7 windows. Cost with shipping ($36 CAD) was $409.06 CAD.

We shall see how this goes, 8-ply board would be a bugger to cut successfully and highly costly to screw up time and time again. In my time I have flung more than a few screwed up 4-ply boards across the room in frustration. I should have pro quality windows cut and it might actually be cheaper in the end, by dealing with this company. There would be no screw ups on my parts. My online alternative process tutor Bill Schwab recommends using 8-ply board pre-cut. Following his lead on this cannot be a bad thing. Bill knows his stuff.


8-ply windows have always looked so much better to me when I see the images presented that way in galleries and museusm. Currently there is photographic print hanging at the Alberta Gallery of Art right now that I love in this style (like the matting more than the photograph!). In the future to see versions of my own photographs printed in gelatin silver, salt, platinum-palladium or digital then mounted with 8-ply board and framed beautifully, will be a joy. A wonderful natural high for me. You want your finished work to be shown in the best way possible.