Friday, November 19, 2021

Possible THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP, UNB Exhibition Image #2

from Facebook

There will also be an online zoom interview, and a 45 minute artist talk (in front of the pics) given by me on opening night. I will be able to tell the stories of the people in the pictures, spread the word about their lives. Share who they are, humanize them. I hope to make people care more.
There is also a $2077 CARFAC artist fee for the 2 exhibitions. I plan on donating part of that money to the families in the dump and the people under the freeway in Klong Toey slum, when I return in March 2022. The donated money will be given back in the form of goods to help THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY. I have always felt that social documentary photography should give back directly to the people in the photographs. It is an honour to be allowed into their lives and to photograph them. Giving something back is the right path to follow. 
Future Help Note* There might also be the option to sell the post show digital exhibition images if I can find buyers for the prints. 100% of that money would go back to the people in the pictures on my 2023 trip to continue the projects. I can get the prints back to sell from the gallery, if I can find buyers to help the people in the pictures (January 2023 after the 6 week exhibitions ends). If no buyers can be found then the prints might go into the Universities collection.
If your interested in a print to help the people in the photos, please let me know.
Note** Part of the artist fee money will be used to travel to Fredericton New Brunswick to attend the opening.
In 2016 and 2017 I took my 5x7 camera to the dump. It was heavy and difficult to use, but I got it working pretty well. This image was shot of some of the dump homes (now bull dozed down) on the far edge of the dump.  Over the first 5 years I photographed the families these house were occupied. The wild and semi wild (some are pet like) dogs in the dump are everywhere. The hardest part of this image was making it without spooking the dogs. I set up the slow moving 5x7 camera with a wider angle lens (120mm I think) and managed to get off 2 photos before the dogs left. Image is made on Tri-x film.
Dump shacks and dogs, THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP, Mae Sot, Thailand, 2016