Since the Eco-Feu Bio Ethanol works for wet plate photography. I ordered 16 - 3.78L bottles for a cheaper price. Everything including free shipping cost $398.16 CAD plus GST tax. So it works out to $24.89 CAD per 3.78 L (1 US Gallon) jug. That price is one hell of a lot cheaper than buying Everclear 190 proof alcohol for $34.99 a 750ml bottle.
I hope this Eco-Feu product works out for me, I will use it for the entire lifte time of the KANATA project if it does.
Note* According to my rather shitty math skilks going with the BioEthanol works out to about 1/7 the cost. I can get 7 bottles of 750ml Eco-Feu Bio Ethanol for the cost of 1 750ml bottle of Everclear.
$24.89 CAD for 3780ml |
34.99 CAD for 750ml |