Got me an adapter that might allow me to use the 90mm Leica R lens on my Canon 5D Mark 3. I will have to focus manually of course, but thought it was worth a shot. The cost of this thing was only $30.57 CAD including shipping. If it works I could use my 90mm as well as my other Leica R lens on my Canon digital.
I will post some images made with the Leica R 90mm F2 on the Canon digital before I leave. Test out the F2.8 shooting style. If everything works out I should be shooting the lens both on my Leica R bodies and on the Canon 5D in the dump with the families.
Adapter from the States. |
Note* Also got a cheaper Chinese model for $11.86 CAD with free shipping. Not sure this adapter will arrive before I leave for Thailand, here's hoping! With small stuff like this it is always good to have a backup.
Canon to Leica R lens all metal adapter |