Got another rejection letter today, this one from the McMullen gallery which is located in the University Hospital in my city of Edmonton.
This rejection letter is not really that much of a surprise as I kind of felt the work was a bit to dramatic for the mandate of the space. The McMullen caters to patients (some terminally ill) and visitors (some greiving) so tries to present work that is uplifting and positive (to help in the healing process). The work I submitted were photographs shot in the slums of Poipet Cambodia, not exactly uplifting stuff!
The gallery is quite nice and now they allow one person emailed submissions so I will probably keep trying with the McMullen people. In the future l will limit the submissions to more positive uplifting photographs. Possible submissions include, the Xpan landscape abstracts or a series I am thinking of doing, photographs of Buddha images shot through out South East Asia. Heck I might even try some of the Collodion wet plate photographs if that starts coming around after the workshop.