Dang, Klong Toey 2012 |
I just love to look at peoples faces, their is something so natural so perfect in a face. I love to just look and look at faces. One of the great powers of photographs is that it allow you a chance to stare, a photograph on a wall is a licence to look however long you want. If you stare at a real live person it is considered rude but with a portrait you can look for as long as you like, its very freeing.
Laos, 2012 |
Today as I am printing I am staring at a young girl (standing at attention like a soldier), a boxer and a young boy from Klong Toey slum I photographed in 2011/12, I wonder what their future holds? Their is so much promise in those young faces. Later I will work on a photo of Dang a head shot made on my last trip to Klong Toey in 2012 I like it quite a lot, you can see the effects life has had on him in his drunk eyes, his tired face.
A good head shot is like a good landscape photograph it allows you to stare and observe just the sake for enjoying the looking.