Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Retirment Goals

I have been thinking a lot about retirement. Here is a list of some of the things I hope to accomplish in the coming retirement years. 

1) AMBROTOS KANATA, cross Canada Ambrotype project.

2) Continue thee 2 photography projects in Thailand, THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY.

3) Travel to and photograph in the Philippines.

4) Write my AUTOBIOGRAPHY, "Lost to Time".

5) Create a draft copy of my photo book "Tears of a Butterfly"

6) Print the best photographs of my lifetime in Platinum/Silver Gelatin limited editions. 

7) Get work exhibited in major galleries across Canada.

Everything might not be accomplished but some of it will. I would rather fail than live with regret. Regret will eat at your soul. Trying to do something extraordinary, swinging for the fences and falling on your ass is much easier path to follow. At least you gave it a go. 

I know so many people that have no dreams, they give up before  they start, it is so sad, such a waste. I do not want to be one of those types!! 

Let’s give our best. You only have one life!!