Friday, January 31, 2025

Link: Analog Forever Magazine Edition Three

They are selling the old edition of “Analog Forever Magazine” that I am part of for $30 USD. 

I still feel it is a pretty cool thing to be in the same magazine as David Burnett and Judy Dater. Both Dater and Burnett were early influences. The first ever photo magazine I bought included a story on Burnett. At the time I thought “I want to do that!”. I remember seeing Dater’s work for the first time in a library book when I was about15. Her 4x5 images were beautiful. At the time I did not even understand what a view camera was.

Blue Moon Camera

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Retirment Goals

I have been thinking a lot about retirement. Here is a list of some of the things I hope to accomplish in the coming retirement years. 

1) AMBROTOS KANATA, cross Canada Ambrotype project.

2) Continue thee 2 photography projects in Thailand, THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP and THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY.

3) Travel to and photograph in the Philippines.

4) Write my AUTOBIOGRAPHY, "Lost to Time".

5) Create a draft copy of my photo book "Tears of a Butterfly"

6) Print the best photographs of my lifetime in Platinum/Silver Gelatin limited editions. 

7) Get work exhibited in major galleries across Canada.

Everything might not be accomplished but some of it will. I would rather fail than live with regret. Regret will eat at your soul. Trying to do something extraordinary, swinging for the fences and falling on your ass is much easier path to follow. At least you gave it a go. 

I know so many people that have no dreams, they give up before  they start, it is so sad, such a waste. I do not want to be one of those types!! 

Let’s give our best. You only have one life!!

Thai News 2


Thai News 1


Monday, January 27, 2025

11x14 Digi Neg of Khun Anapon

Made a  11x14 digi neg of the Anapon headshot. I will try to print it next week, when I am off work.

11x14 digi neg
8x10 Platinum print

A Long Way To Go

I would like to develop the skills to be a Master Platinum-Palladium printer but I still have such a long way to go. This rather noble looking  platinum print headshot of Khun Anapon, I almost through way because I felt it looked too contrasty and too dark when wet. Once it dried, in good light, and was placed under a mat, it looked pretty good. A few blemishes in the coating but a nice looking Platinum print. 

Judging the images-prints and understanding how I can make them better will take years of printing experience. I hope I have enough time left in my life to get this done.

More Pt-Pd 8x10 Prints

Some more Platinum and Palladium prints from tonight. I printed these to get a feel for what they look like in Pt-Pd and how and if I  can move forward with them to the 11x14 size.

Child working the garbage, THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP

Khun Ooh With Fire

8x10 Palladium Print

Khun (Miss) Ooh from THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY, Klong Toey Slum, Bangkok, Thailand 2018

Ooh is a person I first started photographing in around 2012. She lost her home around 2021, I photographed here at her new home in 2022. She works collecting bottles and has a dog she loves. She is not sure of her age and in an earlier life had a farang (Western) boyfriend. She has children but they have abandoned her to the streets. 

In this photo Ooh is preparing  a fire to cook her rice supper after her days work. She is wearing the wig I always saw her in. A very sweet lady. We used some donation money to buy some medicine for her sick dog. When the dog recovered, she was beyond happy.

Another possible 11x14 Pt-Pd print.


Dom Sitting High

8x10 Palladium Print

Khun (Mr.) Dom from THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY, Klong Toey Slum, Bangkok, Thailand 2018

Dom was a drug dealer under the freeway. He sold YABA, which translates to “CRAZY MEDICINE”. It is an amphetamine. Dom’s left arm and hand were damaged, he could not use them. 

Dom was always very polite to me and would act up for the camera. Here he posed with his hat and sunglasses. Dom disappeared, I could not find him the next year when I returned to Bangkok.Another possible 11x14 Pt-Pd print.

Noble Anapon

8x10 Platinum Print

Khun (Mr.) Anapon from THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY, Klong Toey Slum, Bangkok, Thailand 2018

I always felt Anapon had a certain nobility to him. I photographed Anapon under the freeway from 2011 till 2022.  He lost his home around 2021 when part of the freeway was knocked down. A former Muey Thai boxer who fought internationally in Japan. We spoke of the beautiful women in Japan a bit. 

I think I will try to make this portrait in 11x14 for possible exhibition. Khun Anapon deserves to be seen and remembered.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ordered Revere Platinum Paper from B&H in New York

I have been printing my Platinum prints on Revere paper, made in Italy. Ordered some super large sheets that I can cut down to the sizes I needed. I can cut one sheet down to 4-11x15s or to a smaller/larger size as needed. Buying this way is also a $22 USD savings (Plus free shipping0.

I might print my Pt-Pd exhibition prints with this stuff.

Video: Today’s Pt-Pd 11x14s

Todays 2-11x14 inch Platinum-Palladium prints.

Khun Anapon, THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY project and dump shacks with wild dogs., THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP project.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Dry down in Platinum Peints

Here is the effect of dry down for a Pt-Pd print on Reverre paper using Potassium Oxalate developer. The blacks and contrast is more muted dullish when dry but there is an extended long, beautiful tonal range, characteristic of Platinum-Palladium in the dry print. That tonal range is difficult to see in this capture,  real life viewing is a must for Platinum prints! 

The print is quite beautiful, a subtle ness that is quite alluring, I like it.


Video: My Second 11x14 Inch Platinum Print

Here is the second attempt at a 11x14 platinum print. Khun Anapon with flower, From THE PEOPLED WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY series.

 Note* I want to make 50 platinum prints. 25 from each Thai project, plus matting and hand made wooden frames. I will probably take a cool

Video: First 11x14 Inch Platinum Print

Here is my first attempt at a 11x14 inch Pt-Pd print. From the RAK series.

This print gave me some confidence. I should later be able to make 16x20 Platinum prints.

Trying to Write my Autobiography

Making another stab at writing my autobiography, LOST TO TIME.

I am wondering if I can write it like memories floating through my mind. The faces of the past coming and going, being recorded on the page in a fleeting few words before they are replaced by the next flashing recollection.

It might be a beautiful and truthful way to contruct a book. A way to keep the readers interested and engaged.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Swimming Pool Sodium Thiosulfate!

I picked up a 55lb pail old Sodium Thiosulphate today, cost was $176 CAD. The product name is “Chlor Out” and is used in swimming pools and hot tubs to lower chlorine levels. I have used a variation of this product from an Amazon source, thou that cost more for 5 lbs. less product. I use this type of Sodium Thiosulphate as fixer for my Ambrotype work.

After mixing the fixer (hypo), I filter to remove any precipitate, then use it as normal, at a 30%-40% dilution. My old pool Sodium Thiosulfate stuff worked great. I am hoping this brand does as well. If it works for me, I will buy 3 or 4 pails next time. In my wet plate work, I go through a tone of hypo. 

Note* From an online search.

Pool sodium thiosulfate, also known as "hypo," can be used in photography as a photographic fixer, meaning it dissolves the unexposed silver halide crystals on film or photographic paper, effectively making the image permanent by preventing further light exposure from affecting itessentially, you can use pool sodium thiosulfate as a substitute for the dedicated photographic fixer solution, though it's important to check its purity and concentration before using it for photography.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Videos: RAK Series

Here is an image from the RAK series, P#1. Platinum-Palladium print on Bergger COT 320 paper, with Potassium Oxalate development.

Revere paper, Sodium Citrate development 
Bergger COT paper, Potassium Oxalate development 

Another Plate of the Forgotten Saskatchewan Church

Forgotten Church, 14x14 inch Clear Glass Ambrotype, AMBROTOS KANATA, Saskatchewan, Canada, August 31, 2024

Saskatchewan Church Ambrotype

I think 11x14 will be my main small type Ambrotype for the AMBROTOS KANATA cross Canada wet plate project. They are pretty easy to make, yet they have nice semi large size, good for viewing.

Forgotten Church, 11x14 Clear Glass Ambrotype, AMBROTOS KANATA, Saskatchewan, Canada, August 31, 2024

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Possible Frame for Possible Future Exhibitions of Platinum Prints

Lots of possibles in the title of this post. If I do get an exhibition of THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP or THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY, then the framed prints might look like this.

The frame is a grey water based stain, on pine wood. I think it fits the Platinum-Palladium prints quite well.