Friday, December 27, 2024

Planned Platinum-Palladium Prints

Will try to make some of these square format children shots in 11x14/16x20 Platinum-Palladium prints, with double matted mat board and unique, one of a kind handmade wooden frames. 

I think they would look strong in Pl-Pd. Want the prints warmer toned to make the children seem more real, more human and connected to the gallery viewer. I want the children to connect with the viewer, make them seem like their own children, not some distant unrelated life.

Shots from THE FAMILIES OF THE DUMP. If I can sell any or exhibit any, the money will go back to the Families at the dump in the form of donated goods.

Been thinking of doing this for a while, time to get it done.  I cleaned up and organized the darkroom. It is now ready for work. I need to fix up the matting area and get the printer functioning properly. I also need to review all procedures to make digi negs, it’s been about 4 years since I have made any.