Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Beast and Freddy!

Hooked Freddy the darkroom trailer to THE BEAST (1 ton F350 Ford flatbed truck)  for the first time. She pulls beautifully. I might need to change out the 6 pin truck trailer connector for a 7 pin. I am currently using an adapter, not sure that is the best solution.  Will try to do an 8x10 dyptch today of a school park.

First shoot of the season!

Update* I found that driving, backing up and connecting the trailer to the hitch is way easier with the 1 ton versus the motorhome. I have been told a long vehicle with a short trailer is the most difficult to back up (like the motorhome trailer set up I use). I found today driving the 1 ton that I could hook up the trailer by myself and that driving was much easier, maybe 1/2 as hard.