Thursday, December 5, 2019

Aikido Lesson 2

Well went to class 2 of Aikido last night and it went well. I have so much to learn it is rather intimidating but bit by bit there are small improvements. Unfortunately cannot go Friday as I have a Christmas party with mom to go to (wish I could do both).  The front roll suff seems a lot less intimidating than before, I still need to watch and concentrate on each roll to avoid any neck, head injuries. The whole basic back roll and stand up, and the basic front roll and stand up thing is still coming.

Aikido Basic Rolls

Note* Contacted my old Goju-Kai Karate teacher who still teaches. I might take up that sport as well again. I ended up as a Green belt in olden times and would have to learn everything again (been 20 years). The idea would be to just do a bit of Karate for overall conditioning, to regain my green belt strength and maybe eventually move up to a black belt. Lots of maybes when your 55 years old like I am. Will see what happens, if I can go back to Karate, I plan to do so and train a bit every second weeks (the first week I will be doing my security job so cannot train) along with the Aikido training, 2 or 3 times on my off week.. This all connects back to the photography, getting myself in better overall condition so I can shoot photographs with large view camera equipment into my 70s.