Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Plaubel Makina 67

I did not buy the 120mm blad lens, am currently researching a new possible camera buy. I am looking for something with a great bokeh at the widest aperture. The number one contender at present is the Plaubel Mina 67. I need to do more research on this machine but it's a possibility. There are 2 versions of the camera a 55mm F4 and a 80mm F2.8 both running in price from $1300 to $2500 depending on the cameras condition.

This camera is very compact rangefinder design that is relatively light. It might be the ideal camera to carry in a pocket in Asia, allowing 120mm handheld 6x7 neg portraits. I would be interested in this camera for 2 reasons, the  reputed great bokeh and how small it is to carry when the lens is retracted. I am frightened by the cost, and do not really want to buy another camera.

Plaubel Makina 67