Saturday, November 23, 2013

Email To A Friend From Nepal

Here is an email I sent to a friend.

Thanks Larry not sure I will use him (guide), a bit to pricey for me. I will try doing things on my own. Today I woke up in my cheaper room $30 a night or hot water, no working tv...sorta working heater...woke up at 715am, my plan was to sleep in today but I could not stay in bed, got outside around 8am just for a walk, ended up shooting 7 rolls....found some street kids who slept on the street...smelling glue..drugged...etc..some possible good shots, did lots of 21mm stuff up close...not  sure how it turned out (film not digi camera)...going to give them rice and also color photos tomorrow...a bit of a dangerous bunch...but it should be OK..I might just shoot them for 3 mornings..then move on to another part or Nepal for the rest of the trip..might visit leprosy clinic tomorrow.. Will be back in Canada soon, my 5 weeks is coming to an end...thanks for the help.
