The Jobo I bought a few weeks back has still not arrived, I found out it is being held by customs at the border. They want a bill of sale to prove the value, the declared value by the seller was $250 (actual sale prices was $560). Now I have to send them paypal receipt, fill out forms, maybe fax things to Fed Ex etc.
Gosh I hate all this paperwork of life crap, I just want to get this machine and develop my film! I am at my happiest when I am making photographs or developing prints in my darkroom. All the forms, rules and marching orders of daily life seem like a waste of time. I just wish I could be free of all that stuff and concentrate on my work.
Hopefully the processor comes soon without to many additional costs. I have to pay a large film bill soon as well as other things, do not need any added Jobo costs.