Sunday, February 28, 2021

Jungle Jerry?

Am about to take a nap in my darkroom recliner. Bob C from Toronto a pro printer FaceBook friend has advised me the I need a working.humidity of 45% in my darkroom to ensure the proper coating of the paper with platinum-palladium. I have had 2 1/2 humidifiers running  in the room for 1 hour and have taken  the humidity from 17% to 30%. Looks like I may need at least one more humidifier. To reach 45%.

This darkroom space  is turning into a humid, hot, jungle. Soon I will have exotic colourful insects, poisoned plants,  ie covered trees, angry snakes and hungry alligators calling this home.

Update* When I opened my humidifying cabinet (old film drying cabinet) and allowed the steam from my old style glass humidifier (a Value Village find) I was able to get the humidity in the room to get to 37%. The humidity in the cabinet fell from about 89% to 59%. 59% should be good enough for the papers I think, if I let them humidify at that percentage for an hour or so, I think! Still figuring out all this humidity and coating paper rules. It also depends on the type of paper used. So far I am only using the specially designed and easy to obtain (B&H Photo) Hahnemuhle Platinum Rag Fine Art Paper (quite a name there!).

Working On Pt-Pd Personal Curve

I spent the day working on my own personal digital negative curve for making Platinum-palladium prints. Lots of mistakes and stumbling about but I feel I am on the right path. I am using the  Quadtone RIP and Quadtone Profiler-DN software. Bill Schwann”s 5 part YouTube series on making digital negative is helping me through this complicated process. More to follow!

B&W Magazine A No For Now

 It seems the Black&White magazine article is a no go, at least for now. The writer who contacted me was very enthusiastic, the editor less so. I guess they have several similar type stories coming out in the mag soon. ThE under the freeway photos MIGHT it into the margarine in the future, the writer promised to still push for the work. Am not holding my breath on this one thou. I can always hope but this seems doubtful.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Playing With How To Sign Platinum-Palladium Prints

 Trying out a few ways to sign and title the new Pt-Pd photographic prints. Since the images are printed on a mat paper (still getting used to that) they are easy to write on with a pencil, Here are a few early attempt

Two different ways to write on the print. I think I will need to add a edition number as well.

Online Video: Mom Platinum-Palladium Development Fun

Mom today in the darkroom. I am thinking using this process and camera to do a major project in Thailand. A series of head shots of brothel workers, printed in Platinum-Palladium measuring 20x20 inches shot with the high end Hasselblad digital. This very difficult to shoot and possibly dangerous project would be called LOST INNOCENCE. The genesis of this project goes back to a photography experience I had in 2003, that still haunts me. I continually feel compelled (haunted might be a better word) to try to tell that story.

Mom Pt-Pd Print Development On YouTube

Screen capture of the video

AMBROTOS KANATA Excel Spreadsheet

It seems more and more people and institutions here in Canada are showing interest in the 10-15 year AMBROTOS KANATA wet plate photography project. So many people want to meet up, or be part of a demonstration that I am am forgetting who they all are. I need to organize! To that end I will make up a Excel spreadsheet to record names, dates, contact information and that persons-institutions particular interest in AMBROTOS KANATA. This way years from now when I am in their neck of the Canadian woods I can contact them and we can move on from there.

My hope is that the project will generate dozens of demonstrations and exhibitions country wide and that both radio and TV media will show interest. There will also be a YouTube channel and a Patrion page to help move those  things forward.

Here's to hoping Canada wide interest in exhibiting the work will also follow, including most importantly having the work collected and shown by the National Gallery of Canada. My dream is to get the work into the National Gallery before I pass on. I want to get the photographs exhibited and collected by the gallery. I am 56 and quickly running out of time to achieve this selfish personal goal.

The National Gallery of Canada, in Ottawa

Probable Lacombe Demonstration-Talk In 2022

Got some good news today from Lacombe, a city of 13057 people, that is 126km South of my home in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.  The "Lacombe &District Historical Society" is interested in a demonstration/talk related to the AMBROTOS KANATA wet plate photography project.  It is early days and there are many things up in the air right now but the demonstration might take place in 2022 during their annual Lacombe Days (end of July) or Culture and Harvest Festivals (end of Sept) at the "Lacombe Flatiron Building". 

More details to follow!!

 I would like to thank the "Lacombe&District Historical Society" for this opportunity to tell stories, to show the work and to share the wonder and beauty of traditional photography.

Lacombe historic Flatiron Building

Here is a bit of information the historic Flatiron building in Lacombe. 

The Flatiron building in Lacombe is the first of two flatirons to have been be built in Alberta. It was built in 1904 and served as the Merchants Bank of Canada until 1922 when it became the Bank of Montreal. For over a century, the infamous ‘flatiron block’ was home to many businesses in the community. Almost 100 years after the building was erected, it was privately bought and renovated. Today, the main floor and basement of this landmark is home to Lacombe Regional Tourism. Lacombe Regional Tourism is stocked full of information on things to do around the area along with a gift shop showcasing local product.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

HF3535 Camera Being Shipped Tomorrow!

After a 4 year wait my HF3535 camera ships tomorrow from the Czech Republic!!!!!!!

Filip setting up my HF3535(poor quality)

Filip in the Czech Republic with the HF3535 (35x35 inch view camera)

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Quote: Rutger Hauer (Actor)

 The "like tears in rain" part of the scene was improvised by Rutger Hauer.

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”

The Death, "Tears In Rain" Scene, From Bladerunner

Saturday, February 20, 2021


Just got contacted by a writer for "Black&White" photography magazine. There might be an article written about some of  our (mine and the subjects) photos from the photo project THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY.

I hope this goes through, Black&White is an important magazine. I have collected B&W and enjoyed their photography and stories for many years. If THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE UNDER THE FREEWAY gets published then the peoples stories from Klong Toey, would reach a much larger audience.

I have always hoped the photos and more importantly the lives of the subjects in the pictures could reach more people. A magazine story like an an article in Black&White magazine could help do that.

More to follow on this later, I hope!

Some past issues of B&W, Black and White photography magazine

Movable Platform Idea For The HF3535

Not sure this will work, but figured out a relatively cheap cart/platform set up for the HF3535. My other and probably better option is to go to a FAB shop here in Edmonton and getting a Aluminum (lighter) cart designed and made to my exact specifications. The only downside there is that type cart would most likely cost thousands of dollars. My cheapo idea would cost an additional $348 CAD for a "adjustable height work table" from Home Depot plus the cost of of clamps to attach it to the Rock-n-Roller R18 cart I already own.

A couple of questions, is the table too heavy? Will the whole set up move over rough terrain without falling apart? Is the table too big and heavy to transport country wide? Will the clamps hold everything together? Would the thing be to top heavy, 14 inch cart width, 24 inch table width over a 35 inch camera width. Would the cart set up be too top heavy and just flip over? Will this thing work? 

The table top rises from 26 inches to 39 inches and has a 300lb capacity. So theoretically I could put the camera on top of this contraption, clamp it down, move the whole thing about the landscape to the location then move the camera body up and down 13 inches for compositions (using the table raise-lower crank). THEORETICALLY THIS MIGHT WORK. At worst I would be investing $348 CAD for a table. If it does not work, I am sure I can find many many uses for a good strong work table. It is probably worth a go.

Including the camera-lens-holder-table-cart-clamps, the entire contraption would weigh approximately 230-250lbs. Could I push that over rougher terrain? Up hills?

Update* I am wondering if putting bigger caster wheels on the table itself and not attaching it tothe cart might be a smarter idea.

Rock-n-Roller R18 Cart, opens to 60 inches with a 14 inch bottom frame. Load capacity 700lbs, weight 37 lbs.
Adjustable Height Work Table 52 inch length, 24 inch width, 88lbs
80lb plus HF3535 view camera.35 plus inch width

Friday, February 19, 2021

Video Link: Filip Setting Up HF3535 Camera With A Friend

Here is Filip and a friend in the Czech Republic setting up the HF3535 camera. This camera weighs around 80-90lbs (plus lens, tripods etc) and needs multiple people to set up. Thought I would share this video, for those of you out there that like big big cameras. The cat at the 38 second mark is fun as well. Cats are always sticking their noses into EVERYTHING!

I should have my own HF35 camera safely placed in my garage sometime in March. Might try a solo set up at first in late April. Doubt I can set it up by myself, but want to try. I tend to do most photo related things, me, myself and I.

Filip, friend and cat, setting up HF3535

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bought Me Some Palladium Chloride, PdCl2, To Mix With

Going to try to mix my own Palladium solution for making Platinum-Palladium or Palladium alone prints. The main chemical used in this mixture is Paladium Chloride, PdCl2. I bought 3 grams of the stuff off a seller in China for $47USD a gram, much cheaper than the $113 USD a gram offered by the American seller Chemsavers. I believe a lot of the price depends on the purity of the chemical, what grade and purity it is.

Will give the Chinese stuff a try, if it works will buy more, if not, too too bad :(. 

Here is Bill Schwab's video on mixing the Palladium up, it does not seem too hard, especially after all the wet plate chemistry related mixing I did last year. I will mix up a 25ml batch of this very expensive stuff using 2.3 grams of the Palladium Chloride. 

Mixing Palladium Chloride By Bill Schwab

Note* As an added incentive the shipping is FREE, thou it will probably take a long while to get here.

Chemsavers $113 a gram
Chinese seller $47 a gram

Quote: Geronimo

Geronimo dies, succumbing to pneumonia after falling from his horse and lying in the cold. As he lay on his death bed he offered his regrets on his decision to surrender decades earlier: 

"I should have never surrendered. I should have fought until I was the last man alive."

He was promised he could return to his homeland, but like decades of promises prior to nearly every native tribe in North America, that too was a lie.

Geronimo portrait by Edward Curtis

Quote: John Lennon

"Imagine there's no countries⠀

It isn't hard to do⠀
Nothing to kill or die for⠀
And no religion, too⠀
Imagine all the people⠀
Living life in peace⠀
You, you may say I'm a dreamer⠀
But I'm not the only one⠀
I hope someday you will join us⠀
And the world will be as one."

Mr. Lennon had it right!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Filip With My Soon To Be Shipped HF3535 (35x35 Inch View Camera)

Some shots of Filip in the Czech Republic with my soon to be shipped camera. The pictured b/w pics camera is version 1, mine is version 2 in the color pics. Version 1 went to a fellow in Korea. This HF3535 is one of the biggest cameras in use in the entire world. Probably a top 20 type machine, top 50 for sure. I cannot wait to get the camera into action on the AMBROTOS KANATA photographic series. I am very excited. I hope nothing goes wrong in the shipping part of this process.

Version #1 and Filip
My camera Version #2 in studio making a ULF Ambrotype

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

HF3535 Boxing To Be SHIPPED!!!

The HF3535 will soon be finally on its way to Canada!!! Very excited. Here is a message I got from Filip in the Czech Republic today and pictures of the partially built box with camera gear inside.

 From Filip....

Preparing of the shipping box. I will close tomorrow. The box has size 117x111x49cm. Weight about 70kg. You will need second person to help store the box safely. The box includes: HF35 camera with reducing backs to 27x35", 20x24", plate holders: 20x24", 27x35", 35x35". 4 lensboards, one with flange, one with reduce. And support for your huge lens inside also.

HF3535 and extras are almost ready to ship to Canada from the Czech Republic

Update* The box has been closed and is ready to ship.

Box ready to ship

Friday, February 12, 2021

Video: First Platinum-Palladium Print

 First of many social documentary photography Platinum-Palladium prints. I hope!

My First Platinum-Palladium Print

Did my first Platinum- Palladium print today using a slightly denser Kuhn Bia in his home digital neg. I was surprised how much the image changed by adding 4 drops of Platinum to the coating mix. The image moves very to much greyer from the brown Palladium tones.  The print below has 1 drop of platinum in it, which makes it technically a Platinum-Palladium print.

Lots of these Platinum-Palladium prints were too dark, did make one I liked thou.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Video Link: Water Stain, The Rest Not Bad

This print on Hahnemuhle paper did turn out. I made an error and got a water stain on it from a wet tray before the development but that is easily fixable next time round. Will dry this print and make another. At first glance I love the warm tone and tonality of this print, not too contrasty.

Print Development Video Link

Khun Bia, in Palladium

Berrger 320 COT Paper Coating MESS!!!

Wow does the Berrger COT paper react totally differently than the Hahnemuhle paper. I did the exact same thing 2 times, with the Hahnemuhle paper it spread easily and quickly but with the Berrger COT it just got absorbed into the paper very fast and there was not near enough chemistry to coat. It was a total disaster coating wise.

Was trying to figure out what I did wrong, I think the paper may not have been wet enough (enough humidity) pre-coating. I might also need extra drops of chemicals to coat the same size sheet which sucks big time if true and would eliminate this paper from my repertoire. 

Will do some more reading and ask some questions of the pro Platinum-Palladium printers on this one.

Rubylythed Digital Negs

Am playing with a new Pt-Pd printing paper today. It is called Berrger  320 COT and has a slightly warmer tone to it than the Hahnemuhle Platinum I was using before. I tried the 160 thinner version paper but that did not work at all, a complete mess there (paper wrinkled and seemed to fog..

I need to get back to the computer study and test thing. So that I can develop my own personal curves. My most recent attempts at palladium riots have been god awful contrasty.

Note* Will work on my own personal Palladium curve tonight.

Nui-ooh neg, too dense, too contrasty?
Khun Bia neg with enlarged rubylyth sheets, it printed well.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Link: Archaeologists Unearth 600-Year-Old Golden Eagle Sculpture at Aztec Temple

 Found this rather awesome!!

Archaeologists Unearth 600-Year-Old Golden Eagle Sculpture at Aztec Temple 

The golden eagle, which is also known as itzcuauhtli (obsidian eagle) in the Indigenous Nahuatl language, is rife with symbolism. Per the statement, the Codex Borgia—a 16th-century painted manuscript featuring calendars that purported to predict the success of marriages, military campaigns and other endeavors—contains a similar image of a golden eagle whose sharp-edged feathers mimic the knives used in ritual sacrifices.

“The eagle was a sacred creature in Aztec thought, believed to have been present at the birth of the sun (hence, the blackened ‘singed’ wing tips) and was the symbol of one of the elite warrior orders in Aztec culture,” Pennock explains to Live Science.

Aztec Golden Eagle